About Us

Collaborating for Outstanding Readiness in Education, or CORE, is a cohort of 25 coaches working to support teachers in the state of New Mexico.  Our talented group consists of full-time CORE Specialists, as well as Coaches who also happen to be Teachers, Staff Development Personnel, Instructional Specialists, and Administrators from across the state.     

CORE coaches provide teachers with school-based professional development for instructional strategies in the areas of: (1) implementation of CCSS-M and/or CCSS-ELA; (2) differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all learners; and (3) developing Response to Intervention (RTI) strategies as common classroom practice. Our primary role is to support teachers in improving classroom instruction, which in turn improves student success. (We do not evaluate teachers or assist in the evaluation process at school sites.)

Our work is accomplished in a number of ways, including small and large group professional development sessions, examining standards and instructional resources with teachers and teams in professional learning communities (PLCs), classroom observations and reflective conversations with descriptive feedback based on a focus determined by the teacher. CORE coaches also collaborate and co-plan lessons and interventions with teachers, model or co-teach for short periods of time. Working with administration to determine needs, combined with working alongside teachers to analyze and interpret formative and summative assessment data to improve student learning is also a key component of our work.

Currently, CORE subcontracts with Regional Educational Cooperative 7 (REC 7) to provide coaching in math and reading the New State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) -(RDA) project’s schools. CORE will be providing coaching services in math and/or reading to 64 schools throughout the state of New Mexico during the 2015-2016 school year.

If you are interested in more information about CORE Coaches and opportunities for your school or district, please contact us by email (corenmsu@gmail.com) or phone (575)646-2012.

And We're Off!!

The CORE blog has been an idea in the making for months, and we are thrilled to finally "go-live"!  We look forward to sharing teaching tips, resources, and ideas from the field, answers to your burning questions in "Ask a CORE Coach", information about Common Core, New Mexico-specific education news, and so much more.  You'll also have the opportunity to meet our talented team of full-time CORE Reading and Math Specialists and Coaches, and get a glimpse inside schools across the state.

Check back often as we get this ball rolling, and as always, feel free to reach out, we'd love to hear from you!


Thank you for visiting CORE Across New Mexico. Please check back soon for updates.